Much achieved, but still a lot to do organisation like GIZ. Yet we always try to achieve results and make a difference in a positive way, even if the impact is not al- ways immediately visible. Take the exam- ple of promoting agriculture in Mali, and thus helping to enhance food and nutri- tion security in a country shaken by fight- ing. Or training farmers in Nigeria to in- crease their harvests. Or improving health care in Yemen and organising schooling in refugee camps. Worsening instability frequently forces people to flee their homes and seek safety elsewhere. We can see this all too clearly at the moment with the war in Ukraine. Syr ia, Afghanistan and many other con- flicts have also triggered huge refugee flows, which has made the issue increas- ingly important for GIZ. Since 2015, we have been focusing on forced displacement and migration very closely – and repeat- edly due to new waves. The situation has been further aggra- vated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has kept us in its grip for over two years now, exacerbating poverty and inequality, and posing an acute risk to development progress. Above all, vaccination rates in many developing countries are still alarm- ingly low, in contrast to the industrialised world. In Niger, for instance, just under nine per cent of the population have been vaccinated at least once – the figure in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is only two per cent. We are trying to address this by com- bining short-term support with the gen- eral strengthening of health systems. In the wake of the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, for instance, GIZ established the German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG), which has also provided a valuable service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The SEEG is made up of mobile teams. These provide test kits, protective equip- ment and laboratory apparatus among other things, and also train health staff. As a general rule, the following applies: driving the worldwide vaccination cam- paign forward is still a major challenge, and German development cooperation is very actively involved. We must not lose sight of this, given that the alternative is the risk of mass poverty and hunger. Vicious circles like this must be broken at an early stage. It is important to ensure that developing countries have sufficient vaccine supplies. And in spite of all the major security is- sues we are currently dealing with, we must ‘We must not lose sight of the global vaccination campaign, given that the alternative is the risk of mass poverty and hunger.’ not lose sight of the Sustainable Develop- ment Goals (SDGs). GIZ sees itself as an advocate of the SDGs, which were adopted by the international community as a shared roadmap for the period up to 2030. Along with the Paris Agreement on climate change, they form the backbone of the in- ternational agenda for the coming years. It is already clear that the 2020s will have to be the decade of realising the SDGs. With the goals and standards in place, it is now a case of forging ahead with the transformation to bring about a more equi- table and a greener future. As has been the case over the last few years, GIZ is doing all it can to support change in this spirit. One third of our entire portfolio is now re- lated to climate issues. In Indonesia, for in- stance, we are promoting renewable energies and establishing and developing the recy- cling sector. But we don’t only pursue ambi- tious goals in our projects. They also apply to GIZ itself. And here too we are making considerable progress: since 2021, our op- erations inside and outside Germany have been climate neutral. That is an important milestone! The last few years have therefore brought many changes. Some were wel- come, others less so. But as an organisa- tion with worldwide operations, we need to be able to handle both. And that means that we must continue to evolve to ensure that we are able to cope with the constantly changing context. This is all the more rel- evant since the scope and volume of our work have increased significantly. Today we address more issues, have a higher turnover and more GIZ staff than we did ten years ago. Our workforce has grown by almost 7,000 since 2011. In total, around 60 per cent of staff are women. To allow us to adjust to this more tur- bulent world, we adopted a new Corpo- rate Strategy three years ago. It has made us faster, more flexible and more efficient. It provides for new ways of working and helps us move capacities quickly from A to B – all of these things are vital in volatile times. It also includes a new digitalisation boost, not only in our dealings with part- ner countries and in our projects, but also within GIZ itself. It has often been said, but that doesn’t make it any less true – if we fail to make greater use of digitalisation, we won’t come anywhere near achieving the SDGs. And without digitalisation, we would find it very difficult to operate at all, especially in fragile contexts. Remote management is the key in this regard. Here too, we are in the middle of a significant upheaval which we cannot avoid in either our private lives or professionally. When I look back today at GIZ over the years, it is true to say that the only con- stant has been change. There has hardly been a year – hardly even a month – in which some unforeseen event or another has not kept us on our toes. We look back with satisfaction at what we have achieved, but above all we see this as an incentive to equip ourselves well for the next ten years of international cooperation. There is more than enough to do – the world remains a turbulent place. - akzente 1/22 25